Are you interested in a fixed fee for your divorce?

Despite improvements in the economy generally, funding cuts are still being felt in the public sectors.  As a family lawyer:

  • I have seen the introduction of the Single Family Court which has resulted in the creation of just 11 Divorce Centres across the country.  This means that divorce petitions which were previously filed in 45 different courts in London and the South East now all have to make their way to one single divorce centre in Bury St Edmonds;
  • I have listened to the government’s proposal to close 91 courts and tribunals with plans for a further 31 to be merged, and
  • I am waiting for the announcement about the expected sharp rise in court fees.  It’s believed the fee for filing a Divorce Petition will rise from £410 to £550.  Court fees in relation to other areas of law are also expected to rise.

All of the above changes follow the withdrawal of legal aid for family matters which has only been available in exceptional circumstances since April 2013.

It’s really no wonder that more and more people are deciding to complete paperwork themselves and also to represent themselves in court proceedings. However, without relevant experience and expertise costly mistakes can be made. 

At Hewetts Solicitors we continue to offer a free initial consultation to see how we can help you.  We have also introduced a fixed fee for divorce.  This will provide our clients with certainty of costs in relation to the divorce process.  We are committed to providing you with detailed information in relation to your legal fees and to finding the most cost effective way of working with you.

For more information about our fixed fee divorce please contact either Sandra Marshall or Elizabeth Bettes.

Published on 13/11/2015

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