Average house price in Reading exceeds £380,000

Asking prices up 1.7% in March, biggest monthly rise for this time of year in 18 years, according to Rightmove

Properties in Reading had an overall average price of £383,022 over the last year.

The majority of sales in Reading during the last year were terraced properties, selling for an average price of £316,850. Semi-detached properties sold for an average of £407,759, with detached properties fetching £581,451.

Properties in West Berkshire, South Oxfordshire and Hampshire, are generally much higher priced. For example, Properties in Pangbourne had an overall average price of £718,481 over the last year, with semi-detached properties fetching £510,393 almost the price of a Reading detached property. (Figures from Rightmove.co.uk)

Whilst average prices won’t tell you what you will pay or get for your property, it does indicate the trend. But there are other indicators that Reading is a hot market.

Property is selling faster according to home.co.uk

Properties are also staying on the market for less time before they are sold, (although flats are taking longer to sell).

Detached and semi-detached are taking up to 54 days less on average to sell. Terrace houses are taking 14 days less, but they are sold in 97 days on average, much faster than larger family homes.

So what does this mean for the next few months for property solicitors?

The first thing we would say at Hewetts is that the more preparation you can do in advance, such as mortgages, surveyor, appointing a conveyancing solicitor etc all this will help you whether buying or selling.

It is a case of getting organised because that allows things to be done professionally.

Reading is a hotspot for property. The Elizabeth Line, employment, the countryside and the desire for space within the home, are all driving demand.

If you are thinking of buying or selling, please get in touch because we can help you plan the legal work.

We can also give you a quote so that you can budget and fully understand the conveyancing process for your next property.

Call our conveyancing expert Debbie Sumitra on Reading 0118 957 5337 for advice and a comprehensive quote.

Published on 31/03/2022

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